“Walking On The Mud”
From Above looking at my body below,
My righteousness is fading.
My path has withered;
The light is gone, there is no glow.
I am falling short into a deep deep hole;
Evil impeding on my materialistic world.
My mind stuck in this jagged rut;
Floating isolated in a puddle of mud,
Alone outside in the center of nowhere,
I see an endless trail of sadness
Left behind my shiny shoes.
An engulfing black hole nightmare
Consumed by my char-filled heart,
I can’t be ashamed of why it has to be.
Just watch the southern sun,
Follow the signs to eternity.
Reach out and grab the stars,
The moon’s eye will lead you home.
A better place we will see again,
Hidden in the spaces between
Spit flying at my image in the mirror,
Heaven’s gate, and the devil’s lair.
Paul 26 AUG 06
Oh Heavenly Father, hear your son's cry.
and be with him in his hour of need.
Reach down and touch his heart and his very soul.
Let him not only see, but also feel Your peace, mercy, grace,
and Your endless loving compassion.
Give him Your strength, and Your understanding,
that he may know that no matter what happens around him,
You will always be with him and will never leave or forsake him.
Let him see Your light once again and direct his path to You
and to the life inwhich You have called him.
The name of the soundtrack playing in the background is
"Leave No Man Behind"
by Hans Zimmer - From the Motion Picture Blackhawk Down
Thanks to our special AngelFriend SharonJoy
for this beautiful background set.